Koala Habitat Mapping
Review of existing data and undertaking field surveys to identify areas of known core and potential koala habitats to enable conservation efforts...
Review of existing data and undertaking field surveys to identify areas of known core and potential koala habitats to enable conservation efforts...
Extensive and ongoing field studies to map the distribution and cover of threatened wetland-dependent species and trial of propagation methods...
A management approach for the ongoing erosion of Stanley River was developed based on site assessments, modelling and detailed designs...
WestWind Energy Wind Farm and Groundwater Dependant Ecosystems...
This study was prepared for the East Gippsland CMA in June 2011 and involved a detailed hydraulic assessment of the impacts of the Snowy River Rehabilitation Project on the river and floodplain....
Delivering a fishway passage for the Snowy Creek Weir on the Ovens River...