Coastal Adaptation Investigation
Assessment of potential coastal adaptation options for two towns...
Better Boating Victoria has been established to implement boating reforms that will enhance the experience of boating for all Victorians. Fundamental to this is increasing the access for as many boaters and fishers as possible. The Greater Geelong area has one of the highest rates of boat registrations per capita, though is constrained in terms of available coastal land for additional boat ramps. Therefore, Better Boating Victoria have highlighted several existing boat ramps that have the potential for increased capacity to make effective use of these assets. To achieve this, the boat ramps require key upgrades to improve the capacity, throughput, amenity, safety and the attractiveness for users.
However, facilities in low-lying areas make them particularly prone to inundation during extreme water level conditions (such as storm tides). Sea level rise will also increase the vulnerability of the facilities to inundation under more frequent conditions and must be taken into consideration during the design phase.
Water Technology were engaged by Better Boating Victoria to develop the concept designs and investigate and assess the coastal processes to inform the design improvements of two boating facilities.
Investigation and assessment of design improvements to boating facilities
Greater Geelong Area Victoria
Better Boating Victoria
The work involved: