Coastal hazards include coastal flooding (storm actions) and coastal erosion (beach erosion). Also, as the climate changes, coastal inundation (sea level rise) and long-term shoreline recession are likely to intensify.  Therefore, towns located along the coastline are assessing and planning for what actions might need to be taken to address any hazards.

Water Technology were engaged by the Shire of Dandaragan to assess potential coastal adaptation options for the two towns of Cervantes and Jurien Bay.  The coastal adaptation pathway includes short-term, medium-term and long-term actions.  Options considered included beach renourishment, groynes, nearshore breakwaters, seawalls and managed retreat. 





Assess potential coastal adaptation options


Cervantes and Jurien Bay


Shire of Dandaragan

The work involved:

  • Coastal erosion hazard mapping
  • Community and stakeholder engagement to identify community values and local coastal assets that may be vulnerable over the 100-year planning timeframe. A community adaptation options survey was also prepared for each town
  • Risk and vulnerability assessments to consider the erosion risk against the adaptive capacity of assets and provide a vulnerability ranking for the key assets
  • A multi-criteria assessment to assess the adaptation options
  • A cost benefit analysis to consider the economic performance of each of the recommended adaptation options
  • A benefit distribution analysis to assess the potential benefits and beneficiaries of implementing coastal protection

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