
At Water Technology, we investigate the flood and drainage issues of a site, then develop strategies to mitigate surface water problems and risks.

We provide start to finish support throughout the project, from scoping and funding applications through to modelling, management plans and mitigation options. We’re also available to provide advice during construction.

We work with local councils, communities, government, developers, landholders and consultants. Our consultative approach helps achieve the best outcome for all the project stakeholders.

Trusted guidance for project success

Managing floodplain risk and land development can be a lengthy process. 

Water Technology’s team of technical and scientific experts are experienced in managing this process. We can help you develop a risk management strategy that satisfies the interests of all stakeholders.

We follow the best-practice approaches set by the Australian Rainfall and Runoff guideline, supported by the latest techniques and modelling tools.

Through our rigorous approach, we’ve earned the respect of local government, catchment management authorities and developers. As trusted advisers, we’re well-positioned to develop solutions that are effective and cost-efficient.

Our expertise helps clients understand and minimise flood and drainage risks.

Flooding solutions

Our team of experts work on:
  • Hydrological and hydraulic analysis
  • Complex 1D, 2D, 3D and rain-on-grid hydraulic modelling
  • Floodplain mapping, risk assessments and management plans
  • Flood related development application assessments and planning referrals
  • Flood study and model peer reviews
  • Dam failure and safety assessments
  • Flood mitigation concepts, functional design and construction advice
  • Climate change risk, vulnerability and adaptation assessments
  • Flood evacuation and emergency planning, including flood response action plans
  • Flood forecasting services and warning systems
  • Palaeo flood hydrology assessments
  • Expert advice and response planning at incident control centres during flooding
  • Post flooding assessment and evaluations
  • Flood damage assessments
  • Managed retreat strategy development and implementation
  • Catchment and land use change impact assessments
  • Community and industry engagement and education
  • Provision of expert witness and other legal services

Our expert approach to
surface water challenges

Develop an

We gather recorded data and anecdotal information from local government and the community. Community meetings help us understand local concerns and priorities, while also building community awareness of project considerations.

Prepare modelling
and analysis

Insights from consultation help us identify the right technical approach to better quantify or solve surface water concerns. We conduct a robust assessment, combining our technical skills and on-ground experience.

Develop solution-based

Our strategic recommendations can include conceptual and functional designs for levees, roads, storages and water treatment infrastructure. We can also develop flood response plans that identify evacuation routes, timelines and warning triggers for evacuations.

Our team of technical experts work across a range of specialities, ensuring our recommendations are robust and cross-disciplinary.