Stormwater management

Our stormwater management experts provide practical and innovative solutions to manage stormwater, including urban flooding and stormwater quality.

With an integrated approach, we consider both scientific and social data to make our recommendations. We examine the movement of rainwater through the landscape in the context of urban and rural land use.

We work with local councils, state government, water authorities and private developers to achieve the best outcomes managing storm and floodwater.

Expert analysis of a complex environment

Australia’s environment can be demanding and extreme, from droughts to flooding rain.

In urban areas, the environment has been modified so that residents can live safely, access quality drinking water and visit healthy outdoor spaces.

These interactions between modified and natural environments, the broader landscape and human use can lead to complex outcomes.

Our team of technical experts develop strategies and advice based on the best available data, modelling and local knowledge.

Our strategic expertise helps clients enhance public safety, protect assets and improve water quality.

Stormwater management solutions

  • Stormwater management plans
  • Whole of water cycle management
  • Integrated water management strategies
  • Urban flood modelling, mitigation and management plans
  • Water sensitive urban design
  • ANCOLD dam risk assessments
  • Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) 
  • Design of drainage assets and wetlands
  • Emergency management advice
  • Water quality monitoring and reporting
  • Drainage strategies
  • Stormwater harvesting and reuse
  • Water balance modelling

Our expert approach to
stormwater challenges

Collect scientific and
social data

Our team starts by gathering knowledge of the landscape factors influencing storm and floodwater. We collect detailed scientific data, including water quality information, to inform our recommendations.

We also consult with community stakeholders to understand flood histories, local concerns and priorities, while building local awareness and expectations for the project.

Conduct modelling
and analysis

We examine and forecast the effect of rain and flood using specialised tools and software to comprehensively model potential and future scenarios.

We consider the interaction between stormwater, groundwater, potable water and wastewater, so that our findings account for real-world complexity.

Our extensive experience and familiarity with local conditions helps us analyse and interpret the results, drawing conclusions that are thorough and accurate.

Develop strategy and
conceptual design

We provide strategic recommendations to protect the community and built assets, while preserving or improving water quality and the environment.

Our recommendations can include conceptual designs for tactics, such as harvesting, transfer pumps and pipes, treatment, storage, delivery networks, irrigation and system control. We’ll present options and priorities so that your organisation has the best information available for decision-making.

Our team of technical experts work across a range of specialities, ensuring our recommendations are robust and cross-disciplinary.