WISER Flood Warning for emergency response and management
This solution provides a simple yet effective cloud-based Water Information System for Early Response (WISER). The main aim of the WISER system is to provide scientific evidence for more effective decision-making on flood emergency response and flood management, in a simple, easy-to-use interface that does not require specialist expertise or experience. This recognises that in an emergency anyone may be called on to operate and use the system and it needs to be accessible to those who either have not had training or have not used the system recently.
The key components of the WISER flood warning system are:
- A customised dashboard displaying historical and real-time meteorological, hydrological and flood information. (A more advanced HydroNET Water Control Room can be provided as an added option);
- A data management system – using the HydroNET Application Programming Interface (API) as the main mechanism for data communications. This stores and/or connects to historical and real-time meteorological, hydrological and remote sensing data from various sources. This includes full access to BOM gauges, Water NSW gauges, HydroNET gauge-adjusted radar rainfall, Council gauges and any other available data sources;
- A modelling and analysis platform that includes various open-source and commercial modelling software and analytical tools which are capable to provide real-time forecasting of flows, flood inundation and optimisation of hydraulic structures. Depending on data availability and characteristics of the deployment area, the platform will be able to be configured to use a choice of:
- Rapid flood assessment tools using gauge/radar rainfall and hydrological models (e.g. RORB, URBS or WFLOW)
- Rapid flood interpolation using existing flood model outputs or WaterRIDE
- Hydrodynamic models, e.g. MIKE, Tuflow, Delft3d, LisFlood, etc.
- Flood warning and alerting.
Depending on the complexity of drainage characteristics of the deployment location, the components of the WISER system can be assembled or simplified to meet any specific needs.